Imagine a production line ala Cabaret of thirty steamy Semars in psychedelic Monty Python meets Pakubuwono costumes..... grinding, voguing, fondling and foraging....in front of the neo-classical ‘Galeri Nasional’, Jakarta ......Greg Churchill, the Governor of Jakarta, Dr. Fauzi Bowo and the ever-gorgeous Nina Akbar Tanjung in the front row of a packed ‘house’ (carpark) of enthusiastic Java-o-philes and Chub-chasers...... and you have an idea of the incredible, mind-expanding event and heart-warming event that mushroomed like an atomic cloud in Central Jakarta last night!!! The expert cast—a mixture of Jakarta and Solo’s finest , fattest Semars and Java’s best kidung, wayang and stage performers—entertained with an exciting mix of the modern and the ancient, the secular and the profoundly profane, the steamy and the showy........with giant puppets, a brilliant netherworld-inspiring set, and one 250 kilo grand master Semar, Slamet Gundono who strummed the ukulele while strutting around as a Bob Fosse class ringmaster! Hebat!!!
The performance was held in conjunction with the launch of Greg Churchill, Subandi Martha, Hanuri Setiadi and Sigit Prakasa’s book ‘Semar Semarak – Images of Semar in Indonesian Folk Arts and an exhibition of twenty Semar ceramic sculptures by F. Widayanto.
The performance was held in conjunction with the launch of Greg Churchill, Subandi Martha, Hanuri Setiadi and Sigit Prakasa’s book ‘Semar Semarak – Images of Semar in Indonesian Folk Arts and an exhibition of twenty Semar ceramic sculptures by F. Widayanto.

LEFT: Sculptor F.Widyanto signs one of his Semar collection books
RIGHT: Greg Churchill (back) and Mr. Brian Gumulya.

Governor of DKI Jakarta, Dr. Fauzi Bowo being interviewed.

LEFT: (From left to right) On stage Pia Alisyahbana, Tubagus ‘Andre’ Sukmana, Gregory Churchill and Romo Sindhu
RIGHT: (From left to right) Barbara Johnson, Wieneke de Groot, Mark Edleson and Mary Edleson.
Other info from Greg re the production: Dr. Fauzi Bowo, Governor of DKI Jakarta, Pia Alisyahbana, Femina Group, and Tubagus ‘Andre’ Sukmana, Head of ‘Galeri Nasional Indonesia’. The dalang was Slamet Gundono with his ‘Komunitas Wayang Suket’ who also helped with sets and costumes. The exhibit designer was Wiediantoro. The poet was Romo Sindhu (Dr. GP. Sindhunata, SJ, a Catholic priest). The Semar puppets and glass paintings also on display inside the museum were mostly from the Greg Churchill collection with some from dalang Tizar Purbaya.