Published in NOW! Bali, August 2009
Last month I was invited to the 50th birthday party of renowned Bali-based, New York artist Ashley Bickerton at the trendy beach-side Semaya Villas in Seminyak. Ashley’s Jakartan wife Renjani had arranged a long white dining table in a white tent in the garden, and also the illumination of the Indian Ocean.
It was most atmospheric!

Renjani Damais-Arifin and her husband Ashley Bickerton.

LEFT: Publisher-photographer Leonard Lueras & Sati, a batik artist from Jogyakarta.
RIGHT: Ashley B (shirt by Sati) and Made Wijaya.

LEFT: H.E. the Italian Ambassador to Indonesia Roberto Palmieri and Signora Adriana Palmieri.
RIGHT: Restu Imansari Kusumaningrum of The Bali Purnati Center For The Arts, one of the event’s organizers.