From Bali Post, November 10, 2008 "Penguburan Amrozy Cs. Dijaga Ketat Polisi"
Translated by Putu Semiada
The burial of the Bali bombers, Amrozy, Ali Gufron and Iman Samudra was strictly overseen by the police. Amrozy and Muklas was buried at his village at Tenggulun, Solokuro district, Lamongan, East Java after death execution on 9 Nov. Together with the police, the local ‘santri’ (Muslim followers) also oversaw the burial. Iman Samudra, on the other hand, was buried at his village in Lopang, Kota Serang, Banten, yesterday.
The corpse of Amrozy and Muklas were brought from Pondok Pesantren Al Islam at 3 p.m. after blessed at Mosque Baiturarrahman at around 1 o’clock. Two ambulances were used to carry out the corpse.
The leader of Ponpes Muslim traditional school) Al Mukminin Ngruki, Solo, Ustad Abu Bakar Baasyir was seen there and gave a speech before the corpse taken away. At the burial ground also seen the head of the Bojonegoro district police, Noer Ali, the mayor of Lamongan H. Masfuk, the district attorney, Irnesis, S.H. and the head of the Lamongan regional police, Ahmad Suyuti.
The journalists and photographers were not allowed to take pictures in spite of their long waiting. Some journalists then stopped taking pictures but some continue.
Both of Amrozy’s wives were not seen at the burial ground.
The burial process was a bit mystery. Besides not allowing the media to cover the burial process, the Amrozy’s family changed the burial place suddenly. The original plan was to burry the corpse at the village’s graveyard, but then changed to a special place. The location is near the public graveyard near the graveyard where Amrozy’s father, Nurhasim buried. The place belongs to Amrozy’s family.
Some Muslim followers form a barricade during the burial process. Nobody was allowed to see. At 15.30 the burial ceremony finished.
On the other hand, the corpse of Iman Samudra was buried near his father late Sihabuddin at Lopang Gede, Serang, Banten. During the procession, the corpse was blessed at Mosque Al Manar. And from there it was taken straight to the burial place at Lopang Gede.
Brother and sister of late Iman Samudra was seen there But nobody was crying during the procession as they were told so by Iman before the execution.
The villagers were eager to watch the procession, some of them even climbed the trees. The corpse was not put in a box, but wrapped in keranda (woven bamboo). The corpse in keranda was carried out by the villages from the mosque to the burial place which is about 300 meters.
Chronology of the Execution
The Central attorney announced the date of execution would be done at down on 9 November. The following is the chronology of the execution:
Saturday, 8 Nov at 11.15 pm: the officers from attorney office and police department as executors, religious leaders and medical team arrived and picked up Amrozy, Ali Gufron and Imam Samudra at Isolation room at Batu Prison in Nusa Kambangan and took them to Nirbaya valley.
Sunday, 9 Nov at 00.20 a.m. They were executed by shooting that was done by a shooting team from Brimob (mobile brigade) of police department and witnessed by the prosecuting attorney, religious leaders and medical team. The bombers refused when they were asked if they would like their eyes covered with cloth. They were shot with their eyes open. At 3 am, the medical team checked and then confirmed that they had already died. Each of them was shot with one bullet found at their left chests.
Translated by Putu Semiada
The burial of the Bali bombers, Amrozy, Ali Gufron and Iman Samudra was strictly overseen by the police. Amrozy and Muklas was buried at his village at Tenggulun, Solokuro district, Lamongan, East Java after death execution on 9 Nov. Together with the police, the local ‘santri’ (Muslim followers) also oversaw the burial. Iman Samudra, on the other hand, was buried at his village in Lopang, Kota Serang, Banten, yesterday.

The corpse of Amrozy and Muklas were brought from Pondok Pesantren Al Islam at 3 p.m. after blessed at Mosque Baiturarrahman at around 1 o’clock. Two ambulances were used to carry out the corpse.
The leader of Ponpes Muslim traditional school) Al Mukminin Ngruki, Solo, Ustad Abu Bakar Baasyir was seen there and gave a speech before the corpse taken away. At the burial ground also seen the head of the Bojonegoro district police, Noer Ali, the mayor of Lamongan H. Masfuk, the district attorney, Irnesis, S.H. and the head of the Lamongan regional police, Ahmad Suyuti.
The journalists and photographers were not allowed to take pictures in spite of their long waiting. Some journalists then stopped taking pictures but some continue.
Both of Amrozy’s wives were not seen at the burial ground.
The burial process was a bit mystery. Besides not allowing the media to cover the burial process, the Amrozy’s family changed the burial place suddenly. The original plan was to burry the corpse at the village’s graveyard, but then changed to a special place. The location is near the public graveyard near the graveyard where Amrozy’s father, Nurhasim buried. The place belongs to Amrozy’s family.
Some Muslim followers form a barricade during the burial process. Nobody was allowed to see. At 15.30 the burial ceremony finished.
On the other hand, the corpse of Iman Samudra was buried near his father late Sihabuddin at Lopang Gede, Serang, Banten. During the procession, the corpse was blessed at Mosque Al Manar. And from there it was taken straight to the burial place at Lopang Gede.
Brother and sister of late Iman Samudra was seen there But nobody was crying during the procession as they were told so by Iman before the execution.
The villagers were eager to watch the procession, some of them even climbed the trees. The corpse was not put in a box, but wrapped in keranda (woven bamboo). The corpse in keranda was carried out by the villages from the mosque to the burial place which is about 300 meters.
Chronology of the Execution

Saturday, 8 Nov at 11.15 pm: the officers from attorney office and police department as executors, religious leaders and medical team arrived and picked up Amrozy, Ali Gufron and Imam Samudra at Isolation room at Batu Prison in Nusa Kambangan and took them to Nirbaya valley.
Sunday, 9 Nov at 00.20 a.m. They were executed by shooting that was done by a shooting team from Brimob (mobile brigade) of police department and witnessed by the prosecuting attorney, religious leaders and medical team. The bombers refused when they were asked if they would like their eyes covered with cloth. They were shot with their eyes open. At 3 am, the medical team checked and then confirmed that they had already died. Each of them was shot with one bullet found at their left chests.