K.R.T. Hadjonagoro from Kasunanan Palace of Surakarta, Central Java, died at age 77, on Wednesday (5/11). The deceased will be buried at Daksinoloyo Danyung Cemetary at Sukoharjo, Central Java on Thursday. During the past weeks, the deceased complained of chest pain but he refused to be hospitalised.
Hardjonegoro, born Go Tek Swan was of Chinese descent, was the bupati (village head) of the kraton (palace) of Surakarta. Although he had Chinese blood, he did not speak any Chinese dialects and spoke only Javanese at home. He had been completely assimilated into the Javanese culture and way of life and had become related to the Surakarta royal family.
Hardjonagoro was a humanist with diverse interests. In his youth, he was known as Javanese tari halus dancer. When he was a student of Javanese Literature of Universitas Indonesia in
1955, he performed at the State Palace in Jakarta. In 1957, the first president, Soekarno, asked him to create Batik Indonesia, a movement that brought back almost forgotten traditional patterns in brilliant harmonies of color. Batik Indonesia combined central Javanese patterns from Surakarta and Jogjakarta with those from the north coast of Cirebon. Hardjonagoro even incorporated woven Balinese patterns into Javanese batik designs.
On 11 August 2005, Hardjonagoro made up a testament to pass his collection to the government of Indonesia after his death. The collection includes keris and various rare bronze and stone sculptures.
Hardjonagoro once served as Chairman of the Presidium of Radya Wacana Foundation, which manages the Museum Radya Wacana in Solo and was a member of the Board of Lecturers at the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Solo. During his life, Hardjonagoro was bestowed many awards both from the royal palace and the Indonesian Government including the Satya Lencana Kebudayaan (the most prestigious award for artist and humanist in Indonesia) in 2001.
Batik: Fable Cloth of Java by Inger McCabe Elliott and Brian Brake
A Fragile Nation by Khoon Choy Lee
Hardjonegoro, born Go Tek Swan was of Chinese descent, was the bupati (village head) of the kraton (palace) of Surakarta. Although he had Chinese blood, he did not speak any Chinese dialects and spoke only Javanese at home. He had been completely assimilated into the Javanese culture and way of life and had become related to the Surakarta royal family.
Hardjonagoro was a humanist with diverse interests. In his youth, he was known as Javanese tari halus dancer. When he was a student of Javanese Literature of Universitas Indonesia in

On 11 August 2005, Hardjonagoro made up a testament to pass his collection to the government of Indonesia after his death. The collection includes keris and various rare bronze and stone sculptures.
Hardjonagoro once served as Chairman of the Presidium of Radya Wacana Foundation, which manages the Museum Radya Wacana in Solo and was a member of the Board of Lecturers at the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Solo. During his life, Hardjonagoro was bestowed many awards both from the royal palace and the Indonesian Government including the Satya Lencana Kebudayaan (the most prestigious award for artist and humanist in Indonesia) in 2001.
Batik: Fable Cloth of Java by Inger McCabe Elliott and Brian Brake
A Fragile Nation by Khoon Choy Lee