Wednesday 21 January 2009

MW on the Road: Malang, Tumpang, Blitar & Kediri

16 - 19 January, 2009

Yesterday at the exquisite, AYU, Shiwa-Bhairawa Candi Kidal in Tumpang, near Malang, I was reminded of the importance of flaming finials (that ‘screaming ayu’ touch that reached its apotheosis in Pura Beji, Sangsit) in the worship of Shiwa the terrible thru the ages; I am fearful that the new trend for blocky, andesite shrines and gates in Bali will lay waste to the ‘ayu’ look so important to a healthy Hindu temperament. The tendency of tropical Hindus to ego-centric excess—exemplified in the plethora of palace-style gates on serf homes over the past three decades—has always been tempered by Shiwa-Bhairawa rituals (the wild trances and general ‘controlled frenzy’). I am going to propose to the Governor of Bali, that the only way to address this architectural-theological imbalance is to redo all this month’s ghastly road-side ‘CALEG’ (election) posters so more freaky and ngejreng.












Patirtaan Candi Penataran, Blitar