Tuesday 16 December 2008

MW on the Road: Java-Bali — Solo, Central Java

11-14 December, 2008

At Panembahan Hardjonagoro’s Selamatan (40 days after death)
I met Bapak Soeroso (Director of Peninggalan Purbakala (Archeology) Republik Indonesia) and my old friend Soedarmadji Damais whose father,Luis Charles-Damais, deciphered the inscriptions on the tombstones of the royal tombs in Trowulan for (the brilliant, enigmatic head of the Dutch colonial archeological survey), the two were very excited about the idea of a new research team in Trowulan.

Nyekar ceremony to Daksinoloyo Danyung cemetary, Solo, Central Java with Hardjonagoro’s remaining brothers and sisters and his Solonese family

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At Keraton Solo

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MW on the Road: Java-Bali — Bali
MW on the Road: Java-Bali — Trowulan, East Java
MW on the Road: Java-Bali — Beautiful People