Monday 6 October 2008

Sexual Desire and Pornography

From Bali Post, Sunday, 28 September 2008, Buang lan Jaruh
Translated by Putu Semiada

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Lust, especially in animal world, exists for breeding. There is a period when the animals’ lust escalate where the males will pursue the female for having sex for breeding. When they (the dogs) are doing it on the road and people see it, it is not considered as porn. People understand that what’s the animals are.

‘Lust’ (Sexual desire) should exist in human being otherwise they will not be able to make babies to continue their generations. Human being, however, are different from animals. They make their commitment in marriage and have children to continue their generation. That’s what has been going on for generations as mandated by their ancestors.

The problem comes when someone is not able to control his/her sexual desire. This situation is not in accordance with commitment made in marriage. Uncontrolled sexual behavior in a man is called jaruh, while in woman is called jalir. When it comes to this, a secret love affair will happen, which commonly happen among the married couple in which they have another man or another woman. If thing like this happen to animal, it is not pornography, it’s all about lust. But when it comes to human being, this is not considered a right thing to do. Not right according to what?

In Bali someone’s behaviour is based on the place where he lives, time and condition (desa, kala, patra). Whatever is considered ‘right’, should be based good heart and right behaviour. Good heart is very close to feeling, behaviour, and pornography is very close to reason. Reason to do everything one’s wants. Reason to do something based on one’s selfish nature.

Now there is a plan to make regulations to deal with everything considered pornography, which will force the people not doing anything considered as pornography. If someone dares to break, he will be sent to jail. That’s what will happen.

Oh my god! How can we mage the people that come from various different cultures? People have their own culture that based on their place where they live. Will the regulations be relevant to this situation? People have their own religion that they should follow which deal with pornographic things and actions. What is all behind these regulations? Arent’t they made from dirty and pornographic mind of the policy makers? It seems that they didn’t start from good intention to make peaceful situation, peaceful situation that is really protect all the people.

Now everyone is asking the legislative people to reconsider about the Planned Legislature of Republik Indonesia Regarding Pornography that is being under discussion.