On the fourth day of the 2008 Balinale Film Festival, October 24, Bali movie-goers attended the screening of the Indonesia premiere of the movie "Shelter".
It's the story about a young guy who is either closeted or unaware of his gay nature until that one special person comes into his life. The film doesn't indulge in gay stereotypes: no campy, effete, flamboyant character to emphasize what it "is" to be
a gay man. The gay men in this film drink beer, punch each other, get around on skateboards, and go surfing. Zach, the protagonist, presented more as a troubled talented-artist who struggle of accepting his sexuality while also showing the fear he experiences while contemplating what effect the revelation of his discovery will have on his family...especially his relationship with his young nephew, Cody, who has come to revere him as a father.
It's the story about a young guy who is either closeted or unaware of his gay nature until that one special person comes into his life. The film doesn't indulge in gay stereotypes: no campy, effete, flamboyant character to emphasize what it "is" to be

Although easy to predict, "Shelter" is a beautifully edited, spectacular looking and luscious sounding film which is definitely character driven. Each of the main characters is carefully developed so that we quite soon decide that we really do care about the characters. Zach and his lover, Shaun, who portrayed as two gay men becoming aptly-able father figures to a young child sends a remarkable message that perhaps not all heterosexuals may be capable of raising a child as effectively as two responsible gay men with strong family values in their hearts.