It is said that the Balinese’ goal is to achieve Mokshartam Jagadhita Ya Ca Iti Dharma (Happiness in life and after life).
“You are happy in your life, then your soul will become one with God,” says I Wayan Musang Berbulu Ayam (I Wayan Evil Mind).
Everyone nods. They understand well about moksa. They often hear religious leaders or priests talk about it in temples, radio or television. However, they’ve never seen anyone really looking happy, let alone moksa.
Only I Made Kerakap Tumbuh Dibatu (I Made Hard Life) doesn’t agree.
“As a Balinese, what I want is moksa.” says I Made.
Everyone is surprised, because if you become a palm toddy association member, you have no chance of reaching moksa. One can not think properly when one is often drunk.
“I’m already 40 years old and I haven’t found happiness in my life so far. There will be no more chances for me.”
In fact, I Made has suffered all his life. He has only two things to do: cockfights and love affairs. He feels that he has never felt happiness in them.
“I can’t find anything interesting in my life anymore.”
Cockfighting has been banned by the authorities so he has to ‘chase’ cockfights everywhere. He never wins much. He has even mortgaged his house to pay his debt.
“I have ‘dedicated’ all my life to cockfighting; I’ve never tried other gambling, I have about 50 cocks, but I have nothing, it’s useless.”
“The same thing happens to my love affairs: I’ve had dedicated all my life to the girls I love. I borrowed money for them; I even left my wife and kids and house. When I had nothing, all the girls left me. They took my wallet, motor bike, land certificate and everything I had.”
“So what I will now pursue is moksa. When I do, I will be united with God. When I do, will God fulfill everything I want? Can I hold big cockfights? Can have a love affair with Julia Perez, and will I be powerful!”
“De, you can only get moksa when you have died; When you are moksa, you want nothing” says I Wayan.
“So I won’t be happy in my life nor in my after life”
Actually, no-one really wants to get moksa: instead they just want to get what they want.