Published in Now! Jakarta, April 2009
The batik studio of Hardjonagoro Go Tik Swan produced some of the great batiks of the 20th century—collected avidly by President Soekarno and his court. Today, 103 days after the famous impresario’s death, Team Buku Srihana, headed by Neneng Iskandar, is launching a book of Hardjonagoro’s life and work, entitled ‘Batik Indonesia and Sang Empu – Go Tik Swan Panembahan Hardjonagoro’.
During the small launch ceremony, the book’s author, Madam Neneng Iskandar, presented the first book to Ibu Supiyah Anggriyani, wife of Hardjonagoro’s hier K.R.A. Harjosoewarno (Mas Warno), who is to continue the batik studio.
Mas Warno and his wife, were in pink accented Hardjonagoro batiks and looked sensational.
“Only gagah males can wear pink,” commented Hudi Soeharnoko, “I would get carried away.....kemayu (or ‘light in loafers’)”
To celebrate, a lavish Solonese lunch is prepared in Hardjonagoro’s home preceded by two classical Javanese dances in the famous golden pavilion.
It was a beautiful morning of exquisite dance and sumptuous Solonese food: a fitting welcome for the arrival of this important new book on the life’s work of one of Java’s cultural heroes.

LEFT: Famed Solo singer reads the prayer of invocation.
RIGHT: Hardjonagoro’s adopted family enter the launching pavilion.

LEFT: The book’s printing team Guntur Santoso and Bapak Erwin Indarto.
RIGHT: Hudi Soeharnoko and K.R.A. Hardjosoewarno.

Mas Warno’s children formed the reception committee.

LEFT: A photo of Persident Soekarno and his wife Fatmawati at the Hardjonagoro home.
RIGHT: Lovebirds in the back courtyard.