One clear Sunday morning in February, that's all one gets: like the bright light that seeps through a blackout curtain's centre.
The lovely Majapahit-style brick gates and temples of East Denpasar were all framed by nubile branches of aged frangipani: lace edges to screamingly gorgeous architecture.
Vines become animal-vegetable after three months of monsoon rain, and verdant, glittering moss softens the bases of tuft that support the Bhairawa-beautiful shrines.
The lovely Majapahit-style brick gates and temples of East Denpasar were all framed by nubile branches of aged frangipani: lace edges to screamingly gorgeous architecture.
Vines become animal-vegetable after three months of monsoon rain, and verdant, glittering moss softens the bases of tuft that support the Bhairawa-beautiful shrines.